
I would like to make a…

I would like to make a Substack episode about the daily hardships of people living in countries with huge #inflation and how they got there: Argentina, Venezuela, Turkey, … Would anyone from these countries

McDonald's menu prices have doubled…

McDonald's menu prices have doubled overall since 2014 and the sizes served have become much smaller. #Inflation is out of control, hitting those with the least the hardest. #Bitcoin  fixes this.

An economic system built on #inflation…

An economic system built on #inflation promotes debt rather than savings, allows governments to run deficits as a form of non-transparent taxation and primary benefits those nearest to the money printer.…

„By a continuing process of #inflation,…

„By a continuing process of #inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and

BREAKING: UK Housing Market, due to…

BREAKING: UK Housing Market, due to substantial rise in payments. “#Inflation is higher in the UK, and the markets don’t believe they are getting it down. They’re completely and utterly lost.

„Time is precious, time is money.…

„Time is precious, time is money. Time is the stuff of which life is made.“ - Benjamin Franklin And yet governments take your precious safed life-time through #inflation. Minute after minute. Day after