
El Salvador and Bhutan mine and…

El Salvador and Bhutan mine and HODL #Bitcoin using renewable abundant energy while Europe debates a ban. The largest transfer of wealth in human history is in the making. Prepare yourself. R.I.

The cost of the fiat system…

The cost of the fiat system is war. The cost of the #Gold standard is deforestation. The cost of the #Bitcoin standard is green energy in abundance. Choose wisely.…

A global monetary network that requires…

A global monetary network that requires only 600 GB memory space, transferred over $125 trillion in total value for an average transaction fee of ¢84 and all this P2P, without a single intermediary.

BREAKING: China M1 money supply suffers…

BREAKING: China M1 money supply suffers biggest decline in history and M2 rose the least ever. In the next few months we will witness the biggest liquidity injection mankind has ever seen. Prepare

Our strength lies in numbers backed…

Our strength lies in numbers backed by thermodynamics, not in the man sitting in Washington D.C. speaking a few meaningless words to his deluded followers. #Bitcoin is truth, fiat is a lie.

Every single day more and more…

Every single day more and more people fall down the #Bitcoin rabbit hole and I don't know a single one who has returned to fiat. Nothing stops this train. Study #Bitcoin