Who are the harshest #Bitcoin  critics…

Who are the harshest #Bitcoin  critics…

Who are the harshest #Bitcoin  critics in the past?

#Bitcoin  is, in a nutshell, a bubble, a Ponzi, and an environmental disaster.” - Augustin Carstens, BIS, 2018

#Bitcoin  is basically a Ponzi scheme.” - Jim Long Kim, World Bank, 2018

#Bitcoin  has pretty much failed. It is not a store of value and nobody uses it as a medium of exchange.” - Mark Carney, Bank of England, 2018

#Bitcoin  is a scam, it is worth nothing.” - Christine Lagarde, ECB, 2019

The Bank of International Settlement, the World Bank and Central Banks are the harshest critics.

#Bitcoin  is taking their power to print currency and enslave millions. Of course they hate it and this should make you even more bullish!

Carl B Menger

Carl B Menger

Bitcoin Chief Hodler Subscribe: https://carlbmenger.substack.com/