I know #Bitcoin is important but…

I know #Bitcoin is important but always remember that the best things in life are not things you own but experiences.

What we truly treasure in the long run comes from experiences. Engaging experiences trump material objects when it comes to deriving lasting happiness. The pleasure derived from things is transitory, but the joy that comes from experiences is enduring.

Don't chase things. Make memories. We are all on a journey. No one lives forever. Be generous to those who cross your path. Give to those who need. Touch hearts and spread happiness, hope, and optimism through your words and actions.

Most of our worries and plans about the future, all of the replays in our minds of the bad things that happened in the past is all in our heads. This worrying just distracts us from living fully right now. Let go of all that and instead focus on what you're doing right at this moment.

You cannot reconstruct the framework of your reactions unless you deconstruct everything first, which you can only do by leaving things behind. Many events in life are outside our control. So we should just let it go and continue putting our best foot forward every day.

Carl B Menger

Carl B Menger

Bitcoin Chief Hodler Subscribe: https://carlbmenger.substack.com/