Everything we consider technological progress and…

Everything we consider technological progress and growth was invented in a time called the GREAT DEFLATION (roughly from 1870 to 1900):

- Telephone (1876)
- Photograph (1878)
- Light Bulb (1879)
- Automobile (1886)
- Camera (1888)
- EVs (1888)
- Airplane (1903)

But somehow all fiat economists preach that inflation is necessary and good. This is by far the biggest hoax of our time!

The truth is that the majority suffer from inflation and only a few, those closest to the money printer, benefit from it. Somehow these are the people who control most of the mainstream media.

Don't be fooled. Fix the money, fix the world

Carl B Menger

Carl B Menger

Bitcoin Chief Hodler Subscribe: https://carlbmenger.substack.com/