Carl B Menger

Our strength lies in numbers backed…

Our strength lies in numbers backed by thermodynamics, not in the man sitting in Washington D.C. speaking a few meaningless words to his deluded followers. #Bitcoin is truth, fiat is a lie.

Every single day more and more…

Every single day more and more people fall down the #Bitcoin rabbit hole and I don't know a single one who has returned to fiat. Nothing stops this train. Study #Bitcoin

It is remarkable what breakthroughs in…

It is remarkable what breakthroughs in computer science, network technologies, cryptography, economics, and energy systems have been necessary to make #Bitcoin a reality. And we have a front row seat to marvel at

Good old days, stacking 25 #Bitcoin…

Good old days, stacking 25 #Bitcoin for $100, exactly 13 years ago. Still people who bought back than lost all their #Bitcoin: Tradehill - closed Mt. Gox - hacked Bitcoin7 - hacked Learn from history and

Blackrock has just released a new…

Blackrock has just released a new report titled "#Bitcoin: A Unique Diversifier" in which they compare the performance of #Bitcoin to other assets following major geopolitical events. To summarise: #Bitcoin leaves

Slow down every day for a…

Slow down every day for a couple of seconds and be grateful for the little things in life: The smell of your morning coffee ☕️ The sunlight in your room ☀️ Fresh air, clean water